The Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) is setting up two collection points for medicine, sanitary materials, and essential products to be given to the Ukrainian people. These points will be set up this Thursday and Friday in the Altabix Building in addition to the Rectorado & Consejo Social Building. Both of these locations are found on the Elche Campus of the university.

The UMH has joined and is lending its support to this local initiative that was the brainchild of asociación Conciénciate (Raise your Awareness Association), in conjunction with the firm of Kronofrio Logistics. The Elche City Hall is also involved in organizing the collection points, which the city hall wants extended throughout the entire institutional, associative, and supportive fabric of this city.

Read the news piece at the following link:

UMH Sets up Two Emergency Collection Points for Food and Medicine for Ukrainian People